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Ziua de nastere a cuiva, si in mod special a copiilor ar trebui serbata intotdeauna cu multa bucurie si entuziasm, daruindu-le ocazia de a se simti speciali de ziua lor. E de prisos sa spunem ca

un tort cu lumanari joaca un rol important in desfasurarea acestui eveniment.

Someone's bitrthday, and especially children's birthdays should always be celebrated with much joy and enthusiasm, giving them the oportunity to feel special on this day. We don't need to explain that a cake with candles plays an important role in doing this.


Asadar ne-am pregatit cu mult drag si am sarbatorit ziua de nastere a doi frati, Alexandra (10 ani) si Claudiu (9 ani). Le-am cantat "La multi ani" iar ei si-au pus cate o dorinta speciala de ziua lor.

Speram sa se implineasca!

Therefore, we gladly organised the birthday party for Alexandra (10 years old), and Claudiu (9 years old). We all sang "La Multi Ani" (our „happy birthday“ song) and they each made a wish.

We hope that their wishes come true!

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