October 2014
Dupa aproape 3 luni de vacanta, reintoarcerea la rutina scolara s-a dovedit a fi provocatoare. I-am tinut piept insa, si am organizat o iesire care sa ne motiveze si care sa ne dea energie pentru noul an scolar. Destinatia principala: Gradina Zoologica, Oradea.
Entuziasmul copiilor a fost de nedescris!
Nu doar gandul de a vizita Gradina Zoologica, dar si calatoria in sine, cu autobuzul a prezentat un interes deosebit pentru copilasii nostri. Pentru cei mai multi, calatoria cu autobuzul este un eveniment rar, asa ca ocazia de a merge cu autobuzul le-a adus o mare bucurie.
After almost 3 months of summer holiday, returning to the school rutine proved to be challanging. We managed to overcome it by organizing a trip to motivate us and give us energy for the new school year. Main destination: Zoo, Oradea.
The children's enthusiasm was indescribable!!
Not only the visit to the Zoo was amazing, but the travel to town, by bus was also very exciting for our children. For most of them, the bus ride is a rare event, so they were very happy to have this opportunity.
La Zoo, copiii au fost incantati sa vada animalele, amuzandu-se la gesturile jucause ale acestora, in special a maimutelor.
At the Zoo, the children were delighted to see the animals, and they were very amused by their playful gestures, especially by the monkeys.
Deoarece timpul ne-a permis, dupa ce am terminat vizita la Zoo, am mers intr-un parc din apropiere, unde copiii au alergat, s-au jucat si s-au distrat in voie. Pentru multi dintre ei, era prima data cand se jucau intr-un parc.
Calatoria spre casa, din nou, cu autobuzul a fost destul de linistita, iar asta deoarece copiii erau epuizati dupa cele cateva ore de distractie.
As we had plenty of time left, after the visit to the Zoo, we took the children to a nearby playground where they could run, play and have fun. For many of them it was the first time they played in a playground.
The ride back home, by bus, was now quite silent, as the children were too exhausted after all the fun they had.
Ca gest de multumire, copiii au realizat o felicitare pe care i-au daruit-o primarului, Pasca Ioan, care a facut posibila aceasta excursie.
As a thank you gesture, the children created a card and gave it to the mayor, Pasca Ioan, who made this trip possible.