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Contact Us:


RO-MAN-AID (Isle of Man)

Doug and Rosa Drown

50 Malew Street,


Isle of Man,



Phone: +44 1624 823065

  • RO-MAN-AID, a registered Isle of Man charity 541, has been operating since 1992, shortly after Romania’s revolution. Since 1994 there has also been a Romanian registered branch.


  • We work together with Romanian people on both short and long term projects to help disadvantaged groups who live within their community.  The projects have involved work in health, education and rural development.


  • Most recently RO-MAN-AID has been focusing on a major long term social and academic inclusion projects for disadvantaged children. This helps children to succeed within their state school. The project works mainly, but not exclusively, with Roma children (sometimes known as gypsies).


  •  Our project work is continuing to develop and expand its work in Romania while also providing a model for other countries in Europe, especially those in Central and East Europe.



Cheques, made out to RO-MAN-AID, sent to the above address.


Bank tarnsfer to.   Isle of Man Bank.  South Region, Castletown, Isle of Man

Acc Name: RO-MAN-AID,  Acc No: 35163909,   Sort Code: 55-91-04

Site Updated June 2019 - copyrite RO-MAN-AID

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